时间 议程
上午 开幕式(领导致辞)
下午 专题一:可持续土地管理的政策
上午 专题三:可持续土地管理的监测与评价
下午 大会总结
韩德梁 先生 邮箱delianghan@126.com
段明妍 女士 邮箱mingyan712@sina.cn
电话:(010)8421 0781/82
传真:(010)8421 0791
点击下载回执(中文) (英文)
As an important part of global terrestrial ecosystem, dryland ecosystem is the homestead for over 2.6 billion people of more than100 countries in the world which plays an important role in biodiversity conservation, and climate change addressing. Due to increasing population, improper land use and frequent natural disasters, global land degradation (LD) remains severe. In particular, under climate change, with increased uncertainties affecting LD, exploration of a new SLM mechanism and policy system compatible to IEM strategies and approaches is not only necessary for LD control and realization of sustainable development of drylands in western China but also for global LD control, poverty alleviation, climate change addressing and biodiversity conservation in dryland ecosystems.
Management and Policy Support to Combat Land Degradation Project (the Project) is one of the important projects under PRC-GEF partnership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystem, and also the extension of the Capacity Building to Combat Land Degradation Project. The Project has made remarkable phased achievements since May, 2010, including extension and enforcement of IEM, up-scaling LD pilot site experience, exploring best practices for LD control, improving provincial LD policies and institutions, establishing a multi-level/scale LD monitoring and assessment indicator system, promoting sustainable development of IEM Information Center, and developing innovative policies and regulations on vegetation carbon sequestration, cost-benefit analysis, ecological compensation and public-private partnerships under climate change.
The discussion on domestic and international SLM policies and practices, SLM monitoring and assessment, and SLM measurements under climate change could demonstrate the Project effects in western China, summarize the impacts and significance of the Project and at the same time provide support for policy and decision making on LD control, SLM, living environment and livelihood improvement, and sustainable socio-economic development in western China.
1. Major topics
The major topics of the conference include SLM policies and practices, SLM monitoring and assessment, and SLM measurements under climate change. Specific issues include domestic and international development opportunities, policy status, institutional construction, and innovative mechanisms of SLM; achievements of domestic and international SLM practices and successful SLM experience sharing; comprehensive LD monitoring and assessment indicator system, methods, case study and network mechanism construction for different LD types at the national, regional and provincial levels; Combination of international hotspots like climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, etc. with SLM to seek for innovative policy mechanisms.
2. Agenda
Time Activity
May 7
a.m. Opening ceremony (address)
Plenary report
Keynote report
p.m. Topic 1: SLM policies
Topic 2: SLM practices
May 8
a.m. Topic 3: SLM monitoring and assessment
Topic 4: SLM measurements under climate change
p.m. Summary
3. Time and venue
Time: May 6, 2013 registration
May 7-8, 2013 the conference
Venue: Beijing Friendship Hotel (No. 1 Zhong Guancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing)
4. Languages
Chinese and English are the official languages for the conference. Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
5. Costs
The costs of the invited guests will be covered by the sponsor; other participants will cover the transportation and accommodation fees themselves.
Those who intend to participate in this conference please fill and mail back the Participants Receipt for us to arrange the conference in advance.
6. Requirements for conference papers
(1) All the papers accepted by the conference will be included in the published conference proceedings.
(2) The paper is no longer than 8,000 words with an abstract of 500 words and key words listed.
(3) The information of the main author (include name, gender, year of birth, education background, title and research directions) is showed as footnote at the first page. Detailed contact information like the contact person, working unit, office phone or cell phone number, mailing address, code, and e-mail is listed at the end.
(4) Paper submission: only the electronic version is accepted.
(5) Deadline for submission of Abstract: December 31, 2012;
Deadline for submission of the Paper: April 20, 2013;
Receiving emails: delianghan@126.com or mingyan712@sina.cn
7. Contact details
Mr. Han Deliang; e-mail: delianghan@126.com
Ms. Duan Mingyan; e-mail: mingyan712@sina.cn
Address: PRC-GEF Partnership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems Project (No. 18, Blk. 5, Hepingli South Street, Longshaoheng Building, Room 303 and 306)
Zip code: 100013
Phone: 86 10 8421 0781/82
Fax: 86 10 8421 0791
Website: www.gefop12.cn
8. Participants receipt
The participants receipt is in Attachment 1. Please send the participants receipts to delianghan@126.com or mingyan712@sina.cn. The information not mentioned here will be included in the notice for the next round.